3D Sublimation Mould for iPhone 4 Case
This aluminum iPhone 5 mould is a key heating tool in the customization of the phone case. A lot of people love to personalize their phone cases, putting their pictures or adding some text on it. It is part of the fashion trend nowadays so it can be your personal collection, but also a great idea for a personal business because of high demand. The heating tool is made to fit the internal contours of the phone case while supporting the shape while the item is being pressed. It helps to avoid deformation of the case once during the heating process.

Making Process
- Get images from digital camera, memory card or scanner.
- Print image with heat transfer paper and sublimation ink.
- Wrap your printed design to you blank case with the aluminum mould.
- Put it into 3D Sublimation Vacuum machine and set the appropriate time and temperature.
- Take it out from the machine and enjoy your personal designed phone case.